On November 13th, we are hosting a Financial Reality Fair for our Financial Literacy students, and we are seeking volunteers from 8:00 AM to 12:30/1:00 PM to help make the event a success.
Volunteers will be trained on the day of the event, with breakfast and lunch provided. This event offers a great chance for community members and local businesses to engage with students and help them gain practical financial skills. We are aiming to recruit around 20 volunteers, and your participation would be greatly appreciated.
If you’re interested, you can sign up using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084AAAA72FA7FEC43-51703418-november#/Also, if you know of other community members or business professionals who might be interested in volunteering, please feel free to share this opportunity with them. We would love to see a broad range of participants involved.
Thank you so much for considering this opportunity to support our students. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Kate Kelley (610) 488-1230, 2013