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Kevin York Photographer
Company Overview

Headshots You'll Love!
"I hate getting my photo taken"

I can't tell you how many times I've heard clients say "I'm uncomfortable in front of the camera” or "I don't look good in photos”. But when I work with them and they see their first image they always go "WOW!" It is truly amazing to watch how a photograph can change a person's opinion, outlook and confidence.

In my thirty-seven years as an award-winning photographer who has been published worldwide, I have built a diverse client list that includes celebrities, sports figures, and CEOs of large and small companies. It has taken me to the streets of New York, Havana, and Paris where I have worked with people from all walks of life. The one thing I have discovered is everyone is unique in their own way. My gift is being able to bring it out through my work which quickly connects people to me. I have the ability to observe and anticipate a person's movements and facial expressions. This is what creates a great image and makes my work stand out. This is my passion, this is my why!

I guarantee you will love your headshots!

Kevin York
Phone Number
(484) 390-2820
Business Address
364 E. Main Street
Collegeville, PA 19426
  • Kevin York Photographer
  • Kevin York Photographer
  • Kevin York Photographer
  • Kevin York Photographer
  • Kevin York Photographer

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